

From PubNight

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Complete and utter list of Pubnight Destination DiGraphs.

Those in italics are no longer in existance, but their names are recorded for posterity. Originally generated in the mid 1990s, this file shows the slow conversion of Cheltenham from a town with pubs to a town with flats. Sorry, unique executive apartments.

Once created, digraphs are immutable, and so reflect a snapshot of names at the time of creation. 1

This page is still under revision, having been recreated by ICR of an old print out.  Work to do involves tracking the name changes that have occurred and adding the few pubs that have appeared (The Portland Bar has come and gone, the Moon Under Water has appeared from a garage, the Hogshead from Halfords for example).

Venues for Out of Town Pub Group Meetings are also shown here

This page has now been superseded by The Master Page of all pubs


  • 1 : Digraphs are two-letter combinations that represent a single sound; English has a great many: oa as in coat, oo as in blood or root or good, au as in jaunt, ea as in steak, ck as in sick, and dozens more. Frequently when people use the word digraphs they refer specifically to the ligatures, those two-letter symbols that are either tied together by overlapping or by having a line (or thread or ligature) tie them together: œ (as in onomatopoeia) and æ (as in mediaeval) are the ligatures most frequently encountered in English, usually conventionally spelled oe and ae. Other uses of Digraphs include the ISO 3166 Country Codes (UK, US, MX etc)2
  • 2 : Clearly footnote 1 is self-contractictory; MX doesn't represent any sound in any version of English I know.   In this context "Digraph" just means "two symbols" (note that digits are allowed).