


From PubNight

name=Pillars of Hercules, Soho| address=7 Greek Street, Soho| postcode=W1D 4DF| phone=020 7437 1179| website=| page=Pillars of Hercules, Soho| originally=| also_named=| image=| caption=| nickname=| lastvisit=February 2008| who=Rich| brewery=Youngs, Adnams, Wells, Theakstons| beers=Youngs Bitter, Adnams Old Ale, Broadside, Wells Bombadier, Theakstons Old Peculiar| beer_rating=| rating=| rating_comment=| old_ratings=| previous=| description=| summary=| history=| notes=One Room bar with Five Ales in a Soho backstreet| lat=51.514592| lon=-0.131091| group=randm,lon|